The ROLL & WIN Dice Game
The ROLL & WIN Dice Game is powered by our patented DECK of DICE.
ROLL & WIN is the newest way to bring family and friends together for game night! It’s fast, fun, and easy to learn—but with deeper levels of strategy to master! The game is perfect for ages 8 to 88.
Just roll the special dice and achieve the goals from your favorite card games! Win points when you get the goals - and win bonuses when you get the best possible hand!
ROLL & WIN is powered by our original DECK of DICE. If you already have a set of dice and want to play ROLL & WIN without purchasing a full game set, you've come to the right place!
Just download our print-and-play kit for ROLL & WIN, here. The kit includes game instructions along with a printable scorecard and game cards. This kit provides a complete game experience -- it includes all necessary game play components!
Printable Scorecard
If you've used all of the scorecards from your ROLL & WIN Game Set and are looking to print additional copies, click here for a free file that you can download and print.
Alternative Rules
We've designed a few different ways to enjoy ROLL & WIN -- just click here to find our Alternative Rules!